Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Fare

Today I fixed hubby's favorite summer meal -- fried bologna with fried onions and hot peppers.  We haven't had much luck with onions, but hubby continues to grow the Hungarian Wax hot peppers.  They look like banana peppers, but are hot.  But not as hot as jalepenos.  For dinner I'll be roasting veggies, including zucchini and fixing italian sausage.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tomatoes, Tomatoes, go away....

Well, hubby sold a few tomatoes on Monday.  We also experience a tremor from the 5.9 quake in VA.  I was in bed taking a nap at the time, and suddenly the bed was gently shaking, almost as if someone was trying to shake me away.  I looked around and no one was in the room.  The bed continued to shake.  Nothing else in the room seemed to be moving.  No glass clinking together.  My immediate thought was a tremor, but I tried to put that out of my head.  Afterall, we don't get earthquakes in WV.  But, there wasn't a train going by either, which could be the only other explanation.  I got online and sure enough, there had been an earthquake in VA.  Unbelievable!  Hubby missed it.  There had been an earthquake tremor in Erie, PA when we lived there, but we had been on the interstate at the time, so completely missed it.  Hubby is bummed that he missed yet another tremor.

Hubby did sell tomatoes Tuesday too.  Yesterday, however, we got a sudden storm.  Today is calling for storms all day (thank you, Irene.  NOT!) so there are two days he can't sell and in the meantime we have tomatoes going bad.  Needless to say, we had bacon and tomato sandwiches for lunch, and i've been eating tomatoes for a snack.

We are planning on attending a fireside at the bishop's house Sunday evening, so what good tomatoes we have left I recommended that we donate to the missionaries.  I'm sure they would appreciate homegrown tomatoes.  I'm sure the bishop's wife will make sure the sister missionaries get their share.  They aren't usually at the firesides.  Then again, we might not have any with us right now.  Not sure.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Getting Started

Well, here I am on the world wide web.  Ah, I guess I just discovered what "www" means at the beginning of every URL, huh?

I need a place to explore some things, talk some things over with myself and maybe a few friends.  I'm almost forty (three months to go, yikes!) and I'm about as lost as I can be.  I'm unhappy in my marriage.  I'm unhappy with myself.  I just about hate life all the way around.  I feel like everyone is chipping away at me.  Who am I?  What do I want?  I think I need to explore some of those things.

We've had some friends for the past few years who are LDS.  We met them through some missionaries we were meeting with.  Hubby is dead set against the faith, and I follow his lead.  But he respects our friends a great deal and enjoys spending time with them.  I am attracted to the faith, personally.  I'm not 100% on it yet, but I like the people, I enjoy the church services, etc.  I want to be more active in reading and studying.

Right now we are in the midst of a bumper crop of tomatoes.  Hubby insists on gardening.  It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't go overboard.  I am enjoying the zucchini.  I will have to learn to make meals with zucchini and eggplant.  Oh joy.  I hate cooking.